Student Support
We have a strong focus on an inclusive school environment where each student is seen as an important part of our community. Our Student Support provides students and staff with support and counseling.

Student Support Staff
Our Student Support is coordinated by the PYP Student Support Coordinator, Ms. Hanna Pawlowski, and the MYP Educational Psychologist, Ms. Joana Branco. They
work in close collaboration with classroom teachers and support staff to ensure all students receive the best possible follow-up and care.
Along side other staff, they enable students and staff to provide and coordinate academic support and counseling.
More information about the school's Inclusion Policy, including information about special education and procedures for collaborating with external agencies can be found by clicking the button.

Psychosocial Environment
All students in Norway have a right to a safe and positive school environment. If you are concerned about your child’s well-being at school, please contact the student’s contact teacher or Head of Programme first.
If the situation is not resolved, please inform the Student Support Coordinators and Head of School by clicking the button below.
More information in English from the Norwegian Directorate of Education can be found here.
School Health Nurse
The school nurse for Grade 1-MYP A is:
Elin Weirud
Elin's door is open for visit Thursdays and the students can contact her directly.
Phone: 905 02 167
Office hours: Thursday 08.30-15.30
She does support conversations with students and can offer parental guidance. In addition to scheduled vaccinations at specific age levels, she can re-vaccinate in accordance with the national child vaccination program.
The school nurse for MYP B-MYP D is:
Monica Bergo Helle
Phone: 916 43 368
Office hours: Mondays 09.00-11.00
Monica has been a school nurse since 2017 and have previously worked with both small children and youth. She now works in Ung Helse in Kongsberg in both middle school and high school.

Children's Physical Therapy
Parents and teachers who would like to contact Kongsberg Kommune regarding opportunities for a child to receive physical therapy can contact:
Anita Sembsmoen,
Avdeling Rehabilitering,
Fysioterapeut for barn og unge
E-mail address: